Reading Together

Archive for the ‘Storytime’ Category

I hate snow. 

It’s wet and cold and causes me a great deal of stress when I have to drive in it. 

There are a couple of books I like to read aloud regardless of my feelings towards snow. 

My favorite is:

Snow by Cynthia Rylant


Her text makes me actually feel warm while reading about snow.  And the illustrations of the snowflakes are beautiful (by Lauren Stringer).

I have been doing some snow/winter storytimes and have found some great new songs and fingerplays on Mel’s Desk here. Thanks!

I did change the words she had to the following:

Hat, scarf, coat and books (tune: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes)

Hat, scarf, coat and boots, coat and boots

Hat, scarf, coat and boots, coat and boots

In Wintertime we dress like that

Hat, scarf, coat and boots, coat and boots

I always enjoy reading books about rain this time of year.  Usually it is pretty rainy out and there are some nice books to read aloud.  Enjoy these stories with your children and extend with songs and storytelling. 

Books to Read Aloud:

Listen to the Rain by Bill Martin, Jr.

One of my favorite read alouds.  It has a great stanza that repeats throughout the text.  I also enjoy playing with my voice as I read aloud making it softer at the beginning and louder in the middle and soft again at the end when the rain stops.

Rain Dance by Kathi Appelt

A simple counting book good for toddlers and preschoolers.   

Mushroom in the Rain by Mirra Ginsburg

Great for preschoolers and kindergarteners.  Also has a strong science tie-in. 

Rainy Day! by Patricia Lakin

This one is fairly new and I’ve only read it aloud once so far.  I like to share it with kids because of the “library” message it promotes.

Puddles by Jonathan London

A nice read aloud with a fun story about jumping in puddles.



The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout

down came the rain and washed the spider out

out came the sun and dried up all the rain

and the itsy bitsy spide went up the spout again.

Repeat with big hairy spider and teeny weeny spider going up and down the spout.  The big hairy spider has a deep voice and the teeny weeny spider has a high squeaky voice!


If all the raindrops

were lemondrops and gumdrops

Oh what a rain it would be!

I’d stand outside with my mouth open wide

saying Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah



Flannel story:

Five umbrellas stood by the back door

the red one went outside, and then there were four

Four umbrellas, pretty as can be

The blue one went out, and then there were three

Three umbrellas with nothing to do

The green one went out, and then there were two

Two umbrellas, hoping for some fun

The yellow one went out, and then there was one

Just one umbrella, alone in the hall…

The purple one went out, and that was all!


Cut and Tell Story:

Find the pattern in Paper Stories by Jean Stangl or fold a piece of paper in half and draw half an umbrella on one side.  When you cut out the half and unfold it should reveal an umbrella.  Say the rhyme:

Rain on the green grass

rain on the tree

rain on the house top

but not on me.

Repeat until you are done cutting asking the kids to join in as you say it.  Then ask why is there no rain on me? and reveal the umbrella.

  • None
  • Amber: Thanks for sharing my blog with your readers! You summed up the reason for the name better than I've been able to :) Good luck in the giveaway!
  • Musing: I wasn't able to finish Twilight myself, but I'm always glad to hear of young people being turned on to reading. :)
  • juliannahelt: I forgot about Twelve Hats for Lena. It is a great book! Thanks for mentioning it.